Glass Replacement for Aluminum and Wood Impact Windows and Doors.
Complete Turnkey Glass Replacement From One Company
Glass Replacement for Wood and Aluminum Windows
Integral Windstorm-Products has been the South Florida leader in replacement of impact glass. We have special ways of taking out the glass and not causing a lot of damage to your wood frames or exterior stucco.
We carefully remove the impact glass and if it’s in a wood clad casement, wood clad impact rated door such as Hurd or Weather Shield, we takeoff the pre-painted glass stop carefully, so we can put it back on without extensive damage. This saves the homeowner money and doesn't leave them with hours of painting and priming the wood parts that were removed after the glass replacement has been completed.

A lot of french doors and casements have what most people refer to as grids or muntins. We carefully remove these from the exterior and the interior, remove all the previous two sided tape, clean all of them up, then apply brand new VHB two-sided tape on the back of them and apply back to the glass once the new impact glass has been replaced into the window or door. This takes more time, but the results are much better than replacing the grids with new unfinished wood.
When we replace the glass, we only use structural performance glazing silicones to ensure that the installation is at its strongest. Once we glaze the window or door, we Bead around the glass perimeter to make sure that water does not get in between the frame and the glass. This is added protection to make sure that no water or moisture gets in and starts rotting your wood windows or doors.

We are experts at replacing impact laminated glass in several window and door brands, such as Weather Shield Windows and doors, Hurd windows & doors, Peachtree windows & doors, PGT and CGI impact rated products. We have many glass selections and colors whether you need monolithic impact glass or insulated impact glass.
Wood Rot Repair on Rotten Wood Window Sashes, Door Panels and Frames.
Got Wood rot on your windows? Don't worry, we've got this.
Rotten wood french door repair is something that Integral Windstorm Products excels at. We have been servicing South Florida’s aluminum wood clad impact doors that has incurred wood rot damage to the door panel or frame.
When the wood fibers are saturated more than 30% and stay that way for a long period of time, wood rot begins to destroy the wood fibers.

Once the door has accrued a fair amount of rot, replacement seems to be the only option. Most of the impact wood clad doors are very expensive. Brand names such as Weather Shield, Pozzi, Biltbest, Hurd Sierra Pacific, Kolbe, and Peachtree can be repaired.
Many of the product lines that were offered 15-20 years ago have changed dramatically. Replacement door panels purchased today will not match up to the products 20 years ago. The good thing is we are wood door craftsman and can repair the wood rot and make the door as good as it was its first day out of the factory.
We first start with removing all the rotten wood from the door panel. We cut the wood in such a way that the replacement wood will interlock into the stile and rail connections. All the joints are glued together with exterior high bond wood glue. After That, we install heavy duty connection dowels to ensure the stile and rail connection is structurally sound.

Once the panel is put back together we either paint and prime the interior or install new wood veneer on the interior so it can be finished to match the rest of the house.
Sometimes the door frame can be affected at the jambs. We do the same thing, cut out all the rotten wood and replace it with new pressure treated wood and seal it in. We then prime and paint the wood so that it can with stand Florida's harsh climate.
Multipoint Lock Replacement for Impact Rated Doors.
Multipoint locks for Weather Shield, Hurd, Sierra Pacific, Biltbest, Peachtree, Kolbe and Andersen
Multipoint door locks are the preferred lock type on most higher end impact doors sold and installed in the luxury estate homes in South Florida. When these door locks are not properly maintained over the years, they tend to seize up and not operate properly. Simple adjustments and lubrication periodically through the year will help them from breaking or failing altogether.

Most multi point lock systems are made out of stainless steel and indoor the coastal climate pretty well. Some of the older models were made out of just metal with dichromate coating. A lot of these older locks that’s been in the field for a long period of time, are pitted or rusted and do not work very well.
Sometimes the multi point lock or its components are rusted so bad that they have to be replaced and water for the lock to work properly. Most of the time the return spring in the multi point lock in gear goes bad. This is easy to spot if the return spring is broken or no longer working, because the lever handle will be sagging down words and not standing prominent as it used to.
The most popular brand on several door manufacturers is Hoppe brand multi point lock systems. This brand has always been top-of-the-line multi point lock system for South Florida‘s market. Most of the components used in their lock systems are stainless steel and endure the weather well.
p>Integral Windstorm-Products is a proud dealer of Hoppe handle sets, hinges, multi point lock systems. We also carry many lock mechanism locking gears in stock for quick replacement.

Most of the door brands that were equipped with Hoppe multipoint lock systems are Weather Shield windows & doors, Pozzi, Peachtree, BillBest, Kolbe and Hurd. We have some discontinued lock system that are no longer available. These lock systems are readily available for an immediate installation.
Sliding Glass Door Repair
Sliding Glass Door Track, Track Leaks and Roller Wheel Repairs
Have you ever tried to open your sliding glass door, and heard a grinding sound? Are the wheels not rolling properly? Does your sliding glass door just not lock at all? There are several things that can be done to make your sliding glass door operate properly.
Most of the time just by removing the panels and clearing off debris wrapped around the roller wheels, can make the door roll a lot smoother. Sometimes the rollers need to be replaced if there is extensive decay or rust damage.

When the door has not been adjusted for a long period of time, or the rollers are not working properly, this sometimes causes damage to the track on the sliding glass door frame. We have a stainless steel sleeve that goes over the damaged aluminum frame track, that seems to do well and sliding glass door repairs.
Once this is done, the door will roll smoothly. If it has been adjusted and lubricated properly, the door should lock and have very little side to side motion once the lock is engaged.
The lock or the lock keep her on the sliding glass door frame can be adjusted to minimize any resistance or side to side movement once the panel has been locked.
When the sliding glass door panels are adjusted properly the panel styles should be parallel to the frame. This ensures the interlocks group together properly so there is no air infiltration or wind noise.

Weatherstripping in the frame should not be kinked or missing or squashed. If the appearance of the weatherstripping looks to be damaged, it should also be replaced to prevent insects and wind infiltration.
Sliding glass door screens should also have the mash check to make sure there are no rips and also to make sure that it rolls properly side to side.
Window and Door Leak Repair and Frame Caulking
Cant stop the window or door leak? We certain can and have.
Casement windows, picture windows and mullions must be inspected to make sure there is not any voids or missing caulking that would cause water infiltration.
Most available sealants available from home improvement stores, only have a lifespan of 5 to 7 years exposed in the Florida sun. When caulking and sealants are dried up or curling at the edges, the caulking sealant should be removed and replaced immediately, to prevent any interior damage from water leaks.

Large window openings comprising of several windows grouped together, are the most difficult leaks to detect and repair. You can clearly see where the damage has revealed itself on the interior trim work, walls and flooring, but on the exterior the water infiltration source could be anywhere.
Some leak sources are obvious if the installer did not seal all the components in properly. Other leaks are much harder to find because the water leak source may not be in the immediate area of the resulting interior damage.

Perimeter caulking around windows and doors should also be checked on a yearly basis. If the caulking looks to be holding mold or is cracked and has a reptile looking appearance, it should be replaced. We repair several window water leaks every year. Replacing the window frame caulking sealant is the solution to many window leaks that we encounter.
Referred By The Industry Leaders of Impact Windows and Doors.